Saturday, February 12, 2011

Exciting News!

While I was in Mexico, I received an email from a music therapist in Australia asking permission to use the Pediatric Inpatient Music Therapy Assessment Form (PIMTAF) that I developed as part of my master's project at Iowa and published in a 2006 edition of Music Therapy Perspectives.  It is the second request that I have received from a facility in Australia requesting permission to use the form, which I find very interesting.  I asked that the music therapist requesting permission to use it provide me feedback on how well the tool works in her setting.  It is nice to know that all of my hard work is being put to some use!  It is also re-ignited my passion for academic writing.  I have revisions that need to happen from my nursing master's project, as well as several other articles that I would like to write to submit to various journals, so I am happy to have some inspiration to get started!

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